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Western Wide Out Plow – Contractor Grade

The Western Wide Out snow plow is the best parking lot snow plow in the business. It expands from 8′-10′ with hydraulically adjustable wings.

Please verify this that this plow will fit your vehicle by completing the Western® QuickMatch selection guide.

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As far as we’re concerned, The Western Wide Out snow plow is the best parking lot snow plow in the business. It expands from 8′-10′ with hydraulically adjustable wings.

Please verify this that this plow will fit your vehicle by completing the Western® QuickMatch selection guide.

Get an 8’ blade, a 10’ blade, an 8’10” scoop/pusher blade or a wind rowing machine all at the touch of a button. The WESTERN WIDEOUT plow is an adjustable-wing snow plow which hydraulically transforms to move more snow, no matter what the condition. To clarify, it can move up to 30% more. It’s the ultimate in CONTRACTOR GRADE parking lot clearing performance.

If you’re looking for a stout commercial snow plow, look no further. For example, the wideout has a structurally reinforced slide box, six vertical ribs, power bar, and the pivot bar. It can be used in scoop position, straight blade, or windrow position. The Western Wide out adjustable wing snowplow is a heavy duty machine that will do all of the commercial work you expect from a Western Snow Plow.

Moreover, it uses the Western UltraMount 2 easy-to-use mount system. Above all, you can trust the Western Wideout plow when you need it most. The Wide Out fits on many 3/4 and 1-ton trucks. This includes many models from Dodge, Ram, Chevy, in addition to Ford. Use Western’s Quick Match system to identify the ultra mount kit for your vehicle.

Western Wide Out Plow Price

At, we have the price you’re looking for on your next plow. Check out our complete plow package pricing options below:



In conclusion, Western snow plows are the leaders in the adjustable wing snowplow market. Similarly, you can trust us as your dealer to provide excellent service, availability of parts, and the knowledge you need to make an informed decision. In addition, if you have any questions please contact us.

Looking for a plow with a few less hydraulic hoses to manage? Check out the Western Prodigy with it’s mechanical wings.

Weight 1450 lbs
Dimensions 108 × 36 × 40 in


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